
Friday 15 August 2014

It wans't my fault truly

It all started last Friday. There I was stepping along confidently with my homework in my hand and I have to say I was pleased with it.   I’d spent hours finishing it the night before. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of  a low growl. I know that growl, I said out loud - it belongs  to my next door neighbor.  

They are always angry,vicious and mean. The husband was well known because people had seen him chase children and even old ladies down the road, leaping and trying to snatch their bags to get himself a free meal.  If people didn't let go of their bags, he lunged again and again like a wild dog and that sometimes meant he would try and sink his false teeth in whatever part of the body he could grab!
False teeth, I hear you say, yep that’s right.  I know that for sure because, about a week ago he lunged at me as I was coming out of the local dairy.  I held my bag tightly and pulled with all my force to get him off it and at that moment….. His pearly whites leapt out into the air like a panther going for a kill!  His face went as white as a snowman and his eyes stared at his teeth as they hit the footpath. Man did I laugh!

Anyway back to the story.  I didn’t look round, but instead I ran and ran and ran.. like the gingerbread man.  I made it to the crossing  and that’s where I had to stop. It seemed like only a minute when I heard that growl again, this time it was louder.  Looking left and checking right, I raced across the road … the soft sound of his Nike’s seemed to get closer.  

My fist tightly held onto my homework but the fright of being attacked somehow made me let go and right before my eyes I saw it ripped apart.  Small pieces blew down King’s Road, I tried desperately to rescue what I could but, I’m sorry to say… My neighbor ate my Homework!

It’s true, believe me I said to my teacher, but she sent me to see the principal and suggested I might like to explain to her what happened to my homework.



Anonymous said...

Great ideas create a fantastic story that draws in the audience and keeps them interested. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Great use of similes Johnnie, well done. Fantastic effort, you have thought this story out very well. Look forward to reading your next piece of writing!

Anonymous said...

I love the story it was hilarious. Keep up the good work, Johnnie. Hope you post up more of your funny ideas on your blog.

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